
Dear Family and Friends,

Transfers are already here again!  These past 10 weeks have absolutely blown by; by far, the fastest transfer yet.  Each of the 3 companionships in our district helped 3 respective people into the waters of baptism.  There has been some wonderful work here, and we've all seen countless blessings from the Lord.

A lot of really random things happened this last week.  First, last P-Day we ran into none other than Jenny Oaks Baker and fam in Budapest!  That makes that the second time I've talked with her on my mission (the first being in the MTC).  We went on splits with the other elders in our district, and then right after that we started splits with the Zone Leaders.  While I was tracting with Elder Ure, we were in a tall ten-story, and a man opened the door, and told us straight-away to leave the building or he was going to call the police.  It is totally legal to tract in Hungary, so they wouldn't have done anything anyway.  He slammed the door in our face and we headed to the next door, only to have him come out again, this time with PEPPER SPRAY.  He said, "leave now or I'm going to use it!"  We tried to hold our ground, but he was pretty insistant, so we left the building and went to the next one, where we found 2 new investigators!  So actually blessings in disguise out the wazoo. 

That night there was a baptism for the sisters and then our district planned a music night for the ward that had musical numbers interspersed by testimonies by ward members about the family.  One of the other elders' investigators did a musical number on the piano where he played 2 Hungarian folk songs. During the second one, he told everyone to just start singing if they knew it.  He started playing this song, Tavaszi szél vizet áraszt (spring wind floods water) and everyone around us slowly broke into this really haunting, beautiful melody.  It was so cool, I had so many chills!  We had a lesson on the Restoration with a church member couple and his mother.  It went really well, not to mention that she brought out a million palacsinták (Hungarian style crepes) beforehand with this delicious lemon flavored cottage cheese and homemade cherry jam to put in them.  So there is this 65 year old woman in our apartment building that always throws her dog's shedded hair out of her 10th floor window and it always ends up getting sucked into our apartment and landing on our clothes and such (kind of gross). We call her Umbrella because she always carries this umbrella and we've never asked her real name.  In any case, we met her as we were walking in the apartment (and usually she's pretty curt with us), but yesterday she was being really nice for some odd reason.  She asked us where we had been that day, and we told her that we just came from getting ice-cream after a lesson.  After we told her that, she literally bear-hugged me and started rubbing her hands all up and down my body. AHHHH.  I kind of just froze and my companion did too, but then luckily she stopped.  The elevator ride was a bit awkward.

In any case, after much anticipation TRANSFER CALLS CAME! I am staying in Kispest and I am getting Elder Fisher, coming from Szombathély.  He's a really diligent, optimistic missionary I've heard so I am very excited.

I love the gospel and love you all!

Niki's baptism

Tracting in Budapest

One of our investigator's, Szirmai László, who has a LOT of questions about EVERYTHING


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