Having Faith to Find

Last week we ended up having P-Day on Tuesday instead of Monday, which sometime happens due to interviews or such.  That night, we got permission to go to an escape room with some of the recent converts in our area!  Well we thought that it was going to be an escape room, but it turned out to be Nightmare in Budapest: an interactive horror house where they were chasing us from room to room with scary costumes and fake chainsaws.  IT WAS NOT AN ESCAPE ROOM.  We told Luca and Niki that were not exactly suppose to go to horror house or anything like that as missionaries, and they told us that they found a place where there wasn't anything scary.  Then we went in the seemingly harmless "escape room" which turned out to be so scary.  Afterward we met with Luca to teach her some of her new convert lessons which ended up being very wonderful and brought the spirit back.  She is currently teaching us all the lessons, and she has progressed and learned SO MUCH. Its such an inspiration to she her.  We also went to the famous parliament building, but we missed the English tour by a few minutes and the woman at the desk said, "well, there is a tour at 5 that you can go on, its just in french!" ... -_- unfortunately, my Hungarian has replaced all of my french in my brain so... maybe next time. we ended up going to the visitors center, and then saw the cool gift shop, and by the time we ended up leaving the visitors center, we realized that we didnt even go to the visitors center, just the gift shop lol.

We met with a lot of active member families this week, as Szabadkai elnök wants us to do at the beginning of each transfer. It is so cool to see strong families in the gospel in Hungary.  This week is the ward's temple trip (we are in the Freiburg, Germany temple district) so many are heading up there.  I've been reading a lot from the book of Mormon, especially since I've been sick and have had some time do some intense reading (but now I'm all healthy, aside from ingrown toenail surgery tomorrow.. yikes)!  It's all been coming so alive, like watching a movie. I just finished the first half of Alma and have been totally relating to all the missionary thing.  I really liked Alma chapter 33 when Alma starts telling the people after his sermon on faith that they need to have faith centered in Jesus Christ.  It reminds me of in the MTC when Jenny Oak Baker share what her dad, Dallin H. Oaks say that he is convinced that we only have faith in Jesus Christ and in His will for us, and everything else falls into place.  Since my faith is becoming more centered in Christ, that means that finding no longer becomes super depressing if we don't find anything, because as Long as we have faith in Christ, His will supersedes all. 

Love you all!

Martin elder

sisters and us at restaurant

sisters and us at restaurant

a fun man and Hungarian guard taking a picture at the parliament

Peti our MCM leader in a curious outfit.......... hmmm!

our new emailing shack! the sisters found it...



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