
Hello family and friends!
Well, things since transfers have been... interesting!  My new companion, Fisher elder, is such a hard worker; I love it.  He is from Sandy, Utah, has been out for a year, has already completed two years of mechanical engineering at University of Utah, and can LITERALLY identify any plant that you point to.  Like, as we were walking around, I would point to a plant and he was able to tell me it's name, it's uses, and what parts of it are edible.  Slightly frightening...

It's very interesting all the different types of people you meet when you are talking to everyone on the street, much less knocking at their doors.  Sometimes they can be very kind and helpful, other times... well, let's just say that I've pretty much learned about all of my Hungarian swear words from those of God's children who are not so receptive to the word ;).  Speaking of swear words, every other Saturday we do about an hour of sport at a near by park which might include basketball or soccer.  We usually have some members come, and we are pushing for our investigators to come too!  Last Saturday we arrived prepared to do some soccer, and found a little band of Hungarian youths (around 11-13) who we decided to play against in order to get to know them a bit.  WORST DECISION EVER.  It was me, Fisher elder, Gergő (returned missionary from Albania, 2nd counselor in bishopric), and Gergő's younger brother, Árpád vs. 5 kids, of whom I'm pretty sure that soccer is literally the only thing they do besides eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom.  They absolutely kicked our behinds.  Whenever one of them would have the ball, they would just stand there and wait for you to come up and get it from them, and then they would just play with you.  I legitamently think that if I spent 2 years just on soccer, and if I had about 100% more coordination than I already do, I still wouldn't be able to beat them.  They were pretty good, also VERY creative with their swearing.  We were all thinking "how old are you all?". Literally every single play call was another use of the intricate, colorful pallett of everyday Hungarian.  Preach My Gospel was right when it said that children can be one of the biggest helps in learning the language.

Unfortunately, I got a little sick (stomach virus maybe?) and will be in bed for the next few days, but that just gives us to the chance to do some stellar area book reorganizing and some quality gospel study!  The doctor came over at 2 in the morning to give me a shot right in the bum, and after that I was able to sleep soundly again.  Loving the missionary life and all that it entails!  Can't wait to be back on my feet again.  In the meanwhile, thanks for the support and prayers; I can really feel them helping me move forward in the work.
Love you all!


New district! Left to right. Thompsen elder, we were in the MTC together, Peachtree city, Georgia.  Fisher elder, new companion! Sandy Utah.  Norris elder, companion two transfers ago in Nyíregyháza. Sister Tischner, Utah, 3rd transfer, white-wahing and training.  Sister Graims. San Fransisco, new missionary, goes home with my MTC group.

Found the Zone Leaders in the mall last p-day!  Left to right, Elder leavitt, canada, elder beisinger, last companion, elder ure, utah, én vagyok


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