
So robinson elder and I really want to help the members of our zone see miracles, and so we made a daily miracle calendar to give to each companionship in the zone.  we got to expect the Lord's hand in anything we do and He will help us out in ways we never thought He could!

This week we saw a lot of miracles.  We went to Pápa, a smaller city, to have splits with the district leader there.  4 elders currently live in an apartment there (super rare, that like never happens in hungary), and then with us there it was 6 elders.  a lot. haha.  I went with elder Millett, who was from my MTC group, it was super fun to serve with him.  After splits the next day we sprinted to our train to get back to Győr (another miracle, how we made that train.  It waited in the station an extra 2 minutes super randomly, but just enough for us to run onto it).  We got back and met with our investigator, Erzsi, and asked her about her praying about a date, and she told us that she got the answer, "the sooner the better".  MIRACLE! Febraruy 3rd is her date.  The next day we gave the same date to another new investigator, Rihárd. MIRACLE!! the next day the sopron elders came in to győr for splits, and we went whiteboarding with a question box.  We asked people, "if there was any question you would ask god, what would it be?" and they wrote on papers their questions and their contact info so we can meet with them later. We got 30 contact infos, and have already set up with 5!

i dont have a lot of time (1 minute left) but i love you all!

Martin elder

splits with millett elder in pápa


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