Szüli Nap

Hello Family and Friends!!!

First of all, thanks for all the Birthday wishes.  You all are the best.  My birthday was AMAZING because it was FILLED with missionary work.  We went to a lesson in the morning, she wasn't home, so we went tracting and the first door let us in, a couple in their 50's!  We had another lesson with a new woman about the Plan of Salvation, we had another lesson with a Richárd who we are helping accept a baptismal date, we went to dinner at the Mecséri family's (the dad, Olivér, is the head translator at the church's translation office for Hungary, located here in Győr), then we popped into the YSA activity at the Senior Couple's apartment, the Bradshaws, and sister Bradshaw made BYU brownies for my birthday!!  man were they delicious.  I asked for those because I remember Mom's :)  Then we went to yet another lesson with our young investigators, and the boyfriend read 3 chapters from 3 Nephi!  It was an amazing birthday present.

The next day we went up to MLC in Budapest!  It was super weird, because we were having a missionary council, and president and sister Szabadkai would speak to us all in Hungarian when they had comments, and we would all reply in English.  But like everyone could understand everyone.  Maybe it would be like a college lecturer, lecturing in a different language, the students asking questions in english, and the lecturer replying in the different language.  But everyone understands.  Freaky.  Except President Szabadkai want lecturing or anything like it, it was a super cool experience.

Last P-Day we went to the mall and elder Robinson and I played on the new iPhone X for like We also went to Szombathely to hold splits with the elders there!  Elder Thomsen (we served in the same district in Kispest, also were in the MTC together) and Elder Jones (from West Plains, Missouri!).  I was with elder jones, it was super cool to tell people on the street when they asked that we were both from Missiouri!! (as opposed to both from Utah lol).  

We looked up a member referral we set up with on Saturday, a jamaican women who married a hungarian man.  Both she and her husband became investigators!! The next day, she came to church and had read from the Book of Mormon until 2 am in the morning!!  We are super excited for her.

I love being a missionary!!  The feeling of bringing someone closer to Christ, unmatchable.

Until next week!
Martin elder


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