Confirmation, Kispest

Hello everybody!!

This last week was very eventful!  We started out by making american cookies at our investigators' house, Krisztián and Csenge.  Uh there wasnt enough brown sugar, and we put in too much flour and then the whole thing turned out like straight carbon.  the tops were slightly edible, the bottoms, black.  The whole things kind of tasted like how i would imagine a pyroplastic flow would taste.  They are both doing super well!  Csenge is still astounded that she was actually healed.  Their testimonies are growing so much.  Krisztián got an answer that the Book of Mormon in true!  He doesn't feel like he can live or even go a day without it at this point.  He has gotten really good at recognizing the spirit.  He can feel it when he reads from the Book of Mormon a ton, and the feeling will stay with him for a few hours, but when ever he lights up a cigarette, the feeling immediatly goes away.  He talked about how if he didnt have these feelings, he wouldn't believe in any of it.  

We were able to bring the Howells, a senior couple serving in Buda and going home on Wednesday.  They got married when sister howell was 17 and elder howell was 19.  2 years later they found the gospel.  It was perfect for Krisztián and Csenge.  I really hope they decide to get married so that they can be baptised.  After we went and visited Nicketa and Péter, the jamaican with the hungarian husband.  They are also doing super well, Nicketa feels super close to baptism, she and péter just want to learn a little bit more and then we think that they're going to be able to pull it off.  

To make things better, a jamaican lady is touring Hungary talking about the church's pathway program, and she has a super strong testimony and is really passionate about the gospel.  Hopefully we can get them two together during a teaching!

We went to Sopron this week to do work with the district leader companionship there.  Sopron is pretty small, very beautiful, and right next to Austira.  I was with Elder Suggs from California.  We did a LOT of tracting.

Elder Robinson this week went to Romania to step over the boarder and then come back into Hungary to get 90 more days to legally be here.  While he went down there, I got to go back to Kispest for 5 hours and do some work there!  I was able to see András and his family.  Elder Fisher and I tracted into András back in the summer, we taught him for the last 4 weeks of the transfer, and then i was transferred to Kecskemét, and András eventually accepted a baptismal date and was baptised about 4 weeks after I got to Kecskemét.  It was amazing to see how much he has progressed.  He is a great man and a great father.  While we were walking in Budapest to the train station, someone tapped my arm: Kis Enikő, the girl I baptized in Kecskemét!!  It was super weird to run into all these people in one day.  The Lord is kind.

We had a ton of other lessons and such going down.  The work is going wonderfully.  My companion is great, elder Robinson.  We laugh SO much, we both think that people are so funny sometimes.
OH also Erzsi had her comfirmation this week in church.  A man named Mecséri Olivér gave her the holy ghost, he is the head of the church's translation office here in Hungary.  He gave her one of the most beaufiul comfirmations i have ever heard.

out of time!!! but look at the hungarian sentecnce below haha hungarin is weird

te tetted e tettetett tettet, te tettetett tettesek tettese

Love you all!
martin elder

after cokkies

nicketa and fam

snow started coming down in sopron!! a pretty church

elder thomas and i in kispest

the howells came to our lesson!

András and fam in Kispest


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