Fall is Here!

Hello my family and friends!

Well I started out this week by drawing a skull and cross bones on today's day in my planner because suit season begins again today.  This means that rain or shine, freezing cold or scorching heat, the Hungary Budapest Misszion elders will be dressed again in their suits... every. day. Yay!!

Seriously so much happens during a week I dont know how to fit it all in.  We met with Attila twice, one of the lesser actives we meet with, and the second time he brought us apples!  On Tuesday we brought our recent convert Enikő to do some whiteboarding with us and she was AMAZING. She set up two appointments for us and got a few phone numbers.  One of our investigators, Erzsi, says that her only obstacle between her and baptism is her husband, who became a new investigator this week! we were able to meet with him by starting to teach english, and then we transitioned into a spiritual thought about faith.  We're going to teach both of them together the restoration tonight.  We met with Regina, another recent convert who either talks about her chiwawa or Nuskin, and I think she converted Allred elder and me. Seriously.  Apparently there's this product that will change your DNA to stop you from desiring nicotine. Think of how useful that would be in helping investigators stop smoking!

Last P-Day we went to this fun park where they had bumper cars! They also had a "5-D" dino simulator, which only barely scraped a lousy "3-D" on my scale.  Literally had no idea what the other extra 2 dimensions were supposed to be.

I hit my year mark last week, and I burned a shirt and tried to eat this bug, but it got lodged in my throat and I ended up spitting it back out because it screted some sort of bitter juice that I think was created for the presice purpose of repelling hungry preditors.  A testimony building experience of the miracle of nature.

Yesterday while we were streeting over to a building to tract, this small car was following us.  When we approached the door of a building, the man driving got out and started asking us if we still held english class.  Apparently he went 20 years ago.  We started talking with him, and then he showed us his car (made in east germany under communism.. when he bought it, it cost 20,000 forint, which is like 75 dollars ..). He told us to get in and take pictures of us driving it haha.  Unfortunately he was not interested in the gospel, but who knows, maybe one of these days he'll come around.

During self reliance this week as a companionship we learned about obedience.  We talked about the blessing. Seriously, those who are obedient are happy, whether it's mission standards or commandments.  I always feel SO much better when I am following the Savior and His example than when I'm not.  I feel confident to meet the Lord and to walk tall before Him.  I had the opportunity to give a talk in church on Sunday, and I was able to bear my testimony that there is no place that I would rather be right now than in Hungary, in Kecskemét, serving God's children here as a missionary.  The blessings of service and the overwhelming feeling of thanksgiving are some of the sweetest that I've experienced so far on my mission.  Looking forward to another miracle filled year!

Bringin' it back to Thomas the Tank Engine, actually pretty well known here!

Streeting with Enikő. She is AMAZING!!!!

This is Regina, the one who likes nuskin!

We met with a member Brigi to discuss our investigator and I got this chocolate thing.

After we helped this member move to a small village on Saturday, our MCM leader took us to the "Go-cart Hotel" where they were having a go-cart competition!

Me driving the communist car.

Fall colors at a lake right next to the branch house.

another view of our branch house in Kecskemét

Today we had lunch at Tardi Anna's (a super nice member at whom's we have lunch every pday) and she made stuffed peppers, "töltött paprika", one of my favorite Hungarian dishes!


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