The Power of The Book of Mormon

Hello everybody!
Things have been kind of slow the past week.  We weren't able to meet with our investigators a lot, but the meetings we did have went really well!  There is a man that we teach, Szirmai László, who has a TON of questions about all sorts of things.  He taps in to some pretty far-out vibes (we're talking energy levels and the heat death of the universe).  We were focusing a lot on the Book of Mormon with him, along with making it the center of our teaching, (i.e. structuring our lessons around doctrine packed chapters where we read a few verses and discussed what was said) and the last 2 times that we did that, all of his questions were really on topic (meaning, they related even in the slightest way to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, rather than diving into how much space there is between atoms).  He even told us that all of the things that we were teaching him are starting to fall into place!  He has been taught since February, hopefully he starts making some serious progress.  The Book of Mormon is really a powerful tool in missionary work!  it helps people focus, it helps me focus, and it brings out/answers the deep questions within us that really matter. I read this verse in Alma that I really like and that I think wonderfully pertains to this concept. Alma 29:9 - 

"know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and glory in it. do not glory of myself, but glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy."  To be the most effective instrument, we have to use the most effective tools that God has given us, i.e. His word, i.e. the Book of Mormon.

Ilona is doing wonderfully. We thought that she wasn't going to make it to church, but after the sacrament ended and the bishop invited all those in the foyer to come into the chapel, she popped right in!  Emotionally, she has a lot going against her, and we've been working with her a lot on how being you're life doesn't have to be in complete perfect harmony to get baptized (a.k.a. procrastination).  She's really realizing it though. Just at church, she told me, "why do I always want to put things off? Why do I do that? It's really weird." haha now she recognizes that that's one of her tendencies!

Until next week!
Martin elder

waffle place "sweetheart"

literally the sweetest milk shake I've ever had in my entire life

porceline mosaic

creepy bug stickers at hospital O_o

Franz liszt statue at opera house!

Interesting text from a less active that we meet with! the next line is "i feed it" hmm!

we went to the hospital to visit Luca because she had her tonsels removed

Franz Joseph I stood in this room!

Opera house


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